Author's Note: We received two questions that had the same answer. To avoid redundancy, the questions have been combined into one post.

Question 1: 

Are there any plans to add a light to the intersection at Adams and Snowy Range?

Question 2:

Does the city have any plans to add a new light at Adams or on Taylor near the new Big D?


"As Snowy Range Road is under the jurisdiction of the Wyoming Department of Transportation, any decisions to add a traffic signal would be under their purview. In each development in that area, traffic studies performed by consultants have been required. Monitoring will continue in the area as development occurs."

Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “How can I get a city parking permit?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”

Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.

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