Ask the City: Pedestrian Bridge, Drilling, and Schrader Avenue
Ask the City Of Laramie: questions and answers from the City's blog.
Question: Who is responsible for the maintenance of the lights on the Garfield St. pedestrian bridge? Many of the lights on the west side are out.
Answer: The City of Laramie Parks Division is responsible for maintenance of the Garfield Street walk bridge. Maintenance includes removal of graffiti and love locks, touching up paint, sweeping, snow removal, and upkeep of the lighting system. Thank you for alerting us to this lighting issue—we will send staff out to repair any non-functioning lights as soon as possible. Feel free to report any other similar issues through our City of Laramie Request Tracker system found at: https://cityoflaramie.org/requesttracker.aspx.
Question: It has been rumored that Schrader St. in West Laramie, at one time was a through street from Jackson St. to Colorado St. Is this true? If so, why is it no longer maintained and used as such? There is one home that sits facing West, on Schrader street, but is only accessible from Dadisman St. Then there are other homes that have extended their property line over what appears to be an "alley way" in other parts of the road. Are these people in accordance and allowed to block the road?
Answer: Schrader Avenue was platted as a public right-of-way with “The Y Addition” of 1966. Based on the plat, it does not appear Schrader Avenue was intended to be a “through street” from Jackson to Colorado Street (Colorado is many blocks to the east). Also, based on the approved plat, Schrader Avenue was shown as connecting to South Eberhart Street by a 20-foot right-of-way. Use of public right-of-way is not permitted by private property owners and situations where the right-of-way is blocked will result in necessary enforcement action.
Question: Why are there wells being drilled east and northeast of Indian Hills? One is on Samuelson property and the other on University property.
Answer: The wells in question are part of a University of Wyoming project and, in keeping with our policy, we will not be responding on their behalf. Our contact for this project has been staff from the office of the Vice President for Administration at the University of Wyoming.
Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “Where can I get a city parking permit?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”
Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.
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