Your Question:

Can’t the landlords of these college and WyoTech renters be responsible for the wild parties and trash all over? The kids get cited, but the landlords should be warned then sited if it persists as well. Maybe they would take better care of their properties if this was implemented. Our police have a lot to handle in this town; maybe this would lower the incidences.

The City's Answer:

Regarding minors drinking in dwellings, Laramie Municipal Code follows:

9.12.270  Minors drinking in dwellings prohibited.

A.   No owner, renter, lessee, or occupant of any residence or apartment within the city shall knowingly permit the unlawful consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of twenty-one years upon the premises owned, rented, leased or occupied.

B.   It is prima facie evidence of a violation of the ordinance codified in this chapter if the owner, renter, lessee or occupant is present and one person under the age of twenty-one years is present and is in possession of an alcoholic beverage. It is prima facie evidence of a violation of the ordinance codified in this chapter if the owner, renter, lessee or occupant is present, and one person under the age of twenty-one years is present and under the influence of alcohol, and an unsealed container of an alcoholic beverage is present.

C.   Upon conviction under the ordinance codified in this chapter, the violator may be fined as provided in the general penalty section of the Laramie Municipal Code. Each person present under the age of twenty-one years who is in possession of an alcoholic beverage or is under the influence of alcohol is a separate violation.

D.   The ordinance codified in this chapter does not apply to parents who lawfully furnish alcohol to their children when permitted by Wyoming law.

Citations under this code were issued this weekend.  In addition, citations are also issued for underage consumption.  Appropriate city departments regularly work with property owners to address the concerns.

Regarding trash, landlords are directly responsible and are contacted by the City’s Code Enforcement Officer when violations occur.  Attempts are made with the residents, if a rental property, to expedite the clean up.  Zoning concerns, such as too many unrelated individuals in a rental property, are handled in the same manner.

To report concerns, please contact Brian Forster, Code Enforcement Officer at 721-5285 or the City’s Police Department at 721-2526.

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