Laramie Streets Almost Ready for School
The City of Laramie is trying to button up current roadwork projects for the upcoming school year.
A news flash from the city was sent out today, regarding 15th Street from Sorority Row to Bradley Street. "Due to delays with the sanitary sewer installation associated with the UW Dorm Project, the City has allowed an extension of the closure of 15th Street for Simon Contractors through August 24, 2023."
The street will remain closed through this Thursday. The extended closure on 15th is to allow UW to complete their utility work and surface restoration, Public Works Director Brooks Webb said.
Chip sealing on several streets around town is complete and went well, Webb added. The City Streets Division will be painting the pavement on all the newly-sealed areas this week.
The Third Street Utility Rehabilitation Phase 2 project will include the replacement of the water main within Third Street between Sheridan Street and Gibbon Street. The Grand Avenue and Third Street intersection should be finished by Labor Day. After the intersection reopens, the site will move south. Garfield to Sheridan Streets will be closed. Additionally, water main repairs will be made in the areas of the 3rd Street and Baker Street intersection as well as the 3rd Street and Fetterman Street Intersection.
School zones and crosswalks are ready for Thursday. "The Streets Division programmed all the school zone flashing lights and will monitor them the first couple days of school to ensure they are working properly," Webb said.
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