Unkempt Yards-Ask the City
Who can I contact about unkempt yards and trash concerns?
"Two possible ways to encourage neighbors to care for their yards is to serve as an example by keeping your own yards maintained and, if you feel comfortable doing so, talk to your neighbor about the impact their unkempt yard is having on their neighbors (weeds seeding in other yards, decreasing salability of neighboring properties, etc.) If a major problem with weeds persists, please call the Code Enforcement Inspector at 307-721-5285."
Regarding construction workers, it would be best to contact the construction company and report the issue to them directly. If the problem persists, please call the Code Administration Department at 307-721-5271.
Grand Avenue is a state highway and is therefore mainly under WYDOT's stewardship. If there is a business or residence adjacent to the location of the trash, the owner of that property is responsible for trash containment."
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