Old High School Plans-Ask the City
What is the plan for the old high school? Is there a place where residents can find up to date progress for this site?
"The school district has indicated that the building will be locked and closed to visitors when the facilities are not in use or are unoccupied.
Representatives for the district have contacted city staff and have indicated that a majority of the old school will be demolished in the spring. The eastern gym is presently proposed to be retained and incorporated in a new elementary school to be located at the site.
Demolition is slated to occur after asbestos abatement is complete on the building, which is anticipated to be completed this winter. Preliminary demolition discussion has indicated that a majority of the building will be crushed onsite and utilized as fill onsite to limit truck traffic in the area and reduce costs associated with moving materials off site.
All of the plans are preliminary and subject to change.
Author's note- Laramie Live reached out to the school district and received this update in response:
"The School Board and Facilities Commission have approved building a new Slade Elementary on the old high school site, which will entail demolishing the old high school except for the auxiliary gym at the east end of the building. The auxiliary gym will then be incorporated into the new building. More information can be found on the district's website. We are 95% done with the design of the project, which should be done after the first of the year. The Wyoming State Legislature has not yet appropriated any funding for the project."
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