Your Question?

When will the Green Waste containers be emptied? We have been trying to put stuff in there for weeks and they are always full. Every one of them! We have tried taking it to the dump as well and they seem to always be closed. We are not sure what to do with all the branches and grass and such that we have.

The City's Response:

The Green waste containers were distributed throughout the City on Friday March 23rd. The containers are being emptied 5 – 6 times a week depending on the need. Please remove all plastic bags prior to placing green waste into the containers, and call the Solid Waste Division at (307) 721-5279 to report a full container or to report any illegal dumping of non-acceptable items within the container. The locations of the green waste containers can be found on the City’s web page at .

The landfill is open Monday thru Saturday from 8:00 am – 4:50 pm and on Sunday from 9:00 am – 12:50 pm. Green Waste from City residents is free at the landfill.  Although yard waste and other green wastes are not banned from the landfill at the current time, the City strongly encourages all residents to take their green waste to the landfill for use in the compost program. Any green waste that can be diverted from the landfill will not only help in producing compost, but will also save the City valuable landfill space for items that are not compostable or recyclable.

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