Your Question:

Traffic on 22nd is really getting busy. With the reduction in speed on 15th people have to take 22nd. Why is there a four way stop at 22nd and Willett? It always backs up. Has any thought occurred to take out the stop signs or put something else at the intersection like a traffic circle or signal?

The City's Response:

A traffic study some years ago determined that a 4 way stop would be the most efficient for this intersection.  A follow up study done for the Grove apartments confirmed that a 4 way would still work for this intersection.   While the traffic does back up occasionally during the day, most of the day traffic flows with only minimal delays.  One needs to remember that through traffic (non turning) at a traffic light may have to wait as long as 40 seconds to get a red light depending on which point in the cycle is the light is when the vehicles stops.  Currently, there is not adequate right of way owned by the City  to install a traffic circle at that intersection.  It is a possibility that could be reviewed from an engineering standpoint to determine feasibility.

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