The Question:

Once again we are asking about the "Traffic Study" that was going to be done in 2013 for the intersection of 22nd & Reynolds. Please don't tell us, again, that a study needs to be done. We have been "studying" it for over a year now and this is a very dangerous intersection.

The Answer:

“The traffic study was completed in 2013 as part of the Cirrus Sky Traffic Study. It is available if anyone wishes to review it. No further study is expected, nor is a new study viewed as necessary.

The study found that the Level of Service (a technical measure of congestion, speed, maneuvering, and similar issues) for the intersection falls below an acceptable standard. Currently the intersection is rated at a “C”, and at full build out of the Cirrus Sky Development the intersection would be rated a “F” (failure).

Based on this Level of Service concern, City staff is requesting budget in the next fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2014) for a traffic signal to be installed in the intersection of 22nd and Reynolds. The budget is in review at this time. Questions can be directed to the City’s Community Development Department at 307-721-5207.”

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