Ask the City: Bill Nye Avenue Completion
The question:
When will Bill Nye Avenue be completed between Boulder Drive and Vista Drive?
The answer:
“WYDOT is working with the property owner regarding acquiring the necessary ROW for Bill Nye Avenue. Once that process has been completed WYDOT would like to begin working on it as soon as possible. A 30 foot wide open space area and a 10 foot trail will be located along the north side of Bill Nye Avenue. In addition a white vinyl fence will be located adjacent to the trails, which were a requirement of the Grand View Heights Subdivision.”
Follow up question:
Will they add a bike path and fencing like along Vista Drive?
Follow up answer:
“The City of Laramie has regulations that require residential subdivisions to provide land or in lieu fees for the development of Parks and Recreation facilities with each Final Plat. In the Grand View Heights Subdivision a combination of land and in-lieu fees were required to be dedicated for this subdivision. Through the first 5 phases of the subdivision, dedication of the land and improvements associated with the trail network have been the primary way requirements met. As the subdivision continues to build out additional land will be dedicated for trails, more landscaping will be installed and a 7.5 acre park will be located south of Bill Nye Avenue.”
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