Your Question:

Vista Drive is going to be replaced this summer. Are there any plans for grading and improving Meadow Lark Lane before that construction starts?

The City's Answer:

The completion date for the project is October of 2012.  As of now, the contractor does not plan on starting any of the work until this upcoming fall/winter, and then closing the Vista drive in the summer of 2012 to complete the project.  During the fall/winter months, the work will be outside of the roadway with no planned detours.  Of course next summer, in 2012, detours will be in place for the project.

WYDOT's plans for the detour routes will be to grade the dirt roads, place some gravel where warranted, and then to place a dust control agent on these dirt roads used for temporary detours.  Once this is done, we will continue to maintain these roads as needed throughout the project.  I also plan to grade, place some gravel, and place dust control measures on the other roads east of Vista Drive for local traffic use during the reconstruction throughout next year.

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