The Question:

Why are the roads around Linford elementary not paved?

The City's Response:

The City has, for many years, required new subdivisions to pave streets in conjunction with permit approvals. West Laramie, however, was an already-developed area before it was annexed to the City in the late 1960s; existing conditions at that time included gravel-base streets in most parts of west Laramie.

New development since annexation has required paving, and some west Laramie areas have also been paved as part of the City’s drainage improvements. Except for these circumstances, however, it has been the responsibility of adjacent property owners or neighborhoods to request paving and to bear the associated costs. To the City’s knowledge, there has never been a proposal from the property owner (Albany County School District No. 1) to pave streets adjacent to Linford Elementary School.

The City certainly has no objection to properly designed and constructed paved streets near Linford Elementary School, and stands ready to cooperate fully whenever pavement is proposed and funded.

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