Your Question:

Who writes this crap? All you do is provide an outlet for people to [EXPLETIVE DELETED] to the city.. I had hopes for Laramie Live.. now its worse than the boomerang.

Terrible Terrible fire coverage.

Dont quit your day job. If you dont have one, best find a day job.

The Laramie Live Editor's Response:

Dear Anonymous,

The Laramie Live staff does not censor or edit the questions submitted by the public. By the nature of this feature, the public can ask about anything that they would like. As for it being an outlet for people to complain about the city, that is in the hands of the public.

The responses originate at the municipal department that is most applicable to the current question , but are all reviewed and passed to us by the City Manager's office.

If you have any further questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below, or reach out to me directly.

Tom McCarthy - Managing Editor, Laramie Live

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