Star Awards First Official Cyber Safe Retailer In Wyoming
Cybersecurity Is Critical For Every Business No Matter How Small
LARAMIE – Star Awards and Promos became the first retailer in Wyoming to officially meet best practices in cybersecurity during the 2018 Wyoming Cybersecurity Competition for Small Businesses.
As a result, owner Shantel Anderson is urging other Mainstreet retailers to join the 2019 competition.
“You don’t have to be technical to manage your cyber risks,” said Anderson, “just use the leadership skills you already have and put in a little time each month.”
The Made Safe in Wyoming© Program (info@madesafe.org) competition is an impartial, non-profit program within the organization of CyberWyoming that helps business translate the world of IT to meet best practices in cybersecurity. CyberWyoming and the Wyoming Business Report partnered in 2018 to bring Wyoming the Cybersecurity Competition for Small Businesses and recognize business owners who manage their cyber risks.
Star Awards and Promos is a family owned, HUBzone certified, personalized products supplier in Laramie that has less than 3 employees.
“Cybersecurity is important for every business, not just the bigger ones. It is important for every size and scale of business to manage these risks. When you really look at it, there are things you can do to protect yourself, your customers, and your business beyond just the credit card processing,” said Anderson.
Anderson is an active voice in Laramie as the Chair of the Board for the Laramie Main Street Alliance, including Committee Chair for the Farmer’s Market, serving on both the Brewfest and Promotions committees, an active member of the Laramie Chamber Business Alliance's Red Carpet and Ag Business Banquet Committees, and Treasurer for the University Women’s Club.
The FBI has tips for protecting your computer:
1) Keep your firewall turned on.
2) Ensure you have installed antivirus software and also allow it to update continuously.
3) Keep your system up to date.
Finally, turning off your computer when not in use (and not updating) severs an attacker’s connection.
The FBI also offers free Safe Online Surfing programs for children grades 3 to 8 to help prevent crimes against children at https://sos.fbi.gov/.
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CYBERSECURITY IS CRITICAL FOR EVERY BUSINESS NO MATTER HOW SMALL– Star Awards and Promos became the first retailer in Wyoming to officially meet best practices in cybersecurity during the 2018 Wyoming Cybersecurity Competition for Small Businesses. As a result, owner Shantel Anderson is urging other Mainstreet retailers to join the 2019 competition.
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