Laramie Area Mosquito Control Application Planned This Weekend
The City of Laramie has announced that there is a liquid application of mosquito larvacide Bacillus Thuringensis Israelensis (BTI) for this Sunday, June 3rd. Areas targeted in this application include: acreages along the Big Laramie River up to 3 miles southwest of town and acreages along the northwest edge of city limits. The application is scheduled to begin at daylight and should be done by early afternoon. A back-up date of June 4 in case of unfavorable conditions.
BTI is an environmentally friendly bacteria larvacide that does not harm birds, fish, amphibians, mammals, or aquatic insects, according to a City of Laramie press release. There is currently no plan to apply the larvacide in city limits. In an email, Mosquito Control Crew Supervisor Tyler Shevling explained that the city makes decisions to fog based on data collected from surveillance traps set up around town. The conditions under which the city can fog are after 9 p.m., if the temperature is over 50 degrees with a wind speed of 10 mph or lower.
Also noted in the press release is that there are currently no confirmed cases of West Nile Virus in Albany County and that the current risk of infection is at Level 1 (low risk). For a look at fogging schedules, please click here or call the Integrated Pest Management hotline at 307-721-5056. For any additional information or questions please contact Mosquito Control Crew Supervisor Tyler Shevling by calling 307-721-5258 or by emailing tshevling@cityoflaramie.org.
Author's note: A previous version of this post incorrectly stated that the city would be fogging. BTI is a liquid larvacide meant to target mosquitoes still in the larvae state.
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