Yep, your read the headline right! If you need a little help getting your gifts wrapped up to go home and put under the tree, help is just a short drive away. You might remember that last year there was free gift wrapping downtown, and the tradition continues this year in the offices of the Laramie Main Street Alliance. Please note that the Main Street Program has moved offices this past year and are now located at 207 Grand Avenue in the heart of downtown Laramie. Donations to the organizations helping to make this event happen are accepted and appreciated.

This year gift wrapping takes place from 2PM - 6PM, Monday through Saturday, now until December 23rd. On December 24th, gift wrapping will be available from 10AM to 1PM for all of you last minute shoppers out there! This is the perfect opportunity to go shopping downtown and have everyhting wrapped and ready to go for Christmas in one trip, which is a huge help. If you are like me, any extra time you can get this time of year you will gladly take.

I love the fact that we have so much going on downtown this year. Having the holiday spirit so active in our community is sure nice to see. Free Carriage Rides are still going on Saturdays from the first street plaza and the Mistletoe Mosey runs through December 24th to make your downtown shopping just that much more fun. With about 10 days left until Christmas everyone seems to have a lot to get done, but don't forget to relax and enjoy the holiday season as well.

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