BLV Mosquito Control Application Near Big Laramie River Delayed
LARAMIE -- While the City of Laramie aerial application for mosquito control set for Wednesday evening was completed as planned, the Big Laramie Mosquito Control Corporation (BLMCC) announced that due to an unexpected temporary shortage of Wyoming qualified pilots, the aerial application for mosquitoes along the Big Laramie River will not commence until the first of next week beginning July 1, weather permitting.
The aerial applications will be conducted in the evening hours to coordinate with peak mosquito activity.
Dave Whitman, secretary for the Big Laramie Mosquito Control Corporation, said the BLMCC had originally coordinated their efforts with the City, with the spraying of additional acreages planned for Wednesday night, June 26.
According to the City of Laramie Mosquito Control Hotline, the planned aerial application by the city set for Wednesday night went off without a hitch. Three areas treated were southwest of the city limits along Highway 230 and the Big Laramie River drainage from the City limits southwest approximately 10 miles; West of the city limit between the Big Laramie River on the South, Interstate 80 on the north and the Laramie Regional Airport on the west; the third area is north of the city limit between Welsh lane and 45th street including the area of the city wastewater treatment plant and the city landfill.
The spray area for the BLMCC encompasses acreages along either side of Hwy 230 from about the 5-mile marker to Woods Landing, including Pahlow Lane, Lake Hattie, and the Harmony area, as well as irrigated meadows near Sand Creek and along the Laramie River.
Bee Keepers are advised to cover their beehives during the times that planes are in the air. Residents and homeowners that may have health concerns related to the aerial application of ultra-low volumes of insecticides used for the control of mosquitoes should stay indoors while the planes are in the air.
Schedules regarding the City of Laramie Mosquito Control and Parks and Cemetery chemical applications for control of weeds and insect pests are available daily on the Mosquito Control and Integrated Pest Management Hotline at 307-721-5056. The schedule is available at approximately 4 pm daily.
Spraying information is also available on the City website. Look for the Daily mosquito and chemical application hotline tab on the home page.
Questions about the Big Laramie Mosquito Control Corporation program may be directed to John Wetstein at 307-742-8734 or Dave Whitman at 307-760-3501.