
Smoky Skies Lead to Epic Laramie Sunset
Smoky Skies Lead to Epic Laramie Sunset
Smoky Skies Lead to Epic Laramie Sunset
As winds shifted directions today, Laramie's skies were filled with smoke from the forest fires burning in the near vicinity. With all of the bad that comes with smoke filled skies, it did lead to quite the epic sight as the sun set over Laramie tonight. Thanks to one of our readers for capturing this and sending in the pictures above!
Laramie Sees Solar Eclipse (5/21/12) [Photos]
Laramie Sees Solar Eclipse (5/21/12) [Photos]
Laramie Sees Solar Eclipse (5/21/12) [Photos]
As we mentioned early last week, there was a solar eclipse set to take place last night (May 20th). If you missed it and didn't get a good look, here are some pictures of what the eclipse looked like from Laramie. What you are seeing is a phenomena created when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun perfectly align, which usually happens a few times each year.
Celebrating 40 Years of Special Olympics Wyoming [PHOTOS]
Celebrating 40 Years of Special Olympics Wyoming [PHOTOS]
Celebrating 40 Years of Special Olympics Wyoming [PHOTOS]
Special Olympics Wyoming is celebrating 40 years during the 2012 Summer Games in Laramie. At the Opening Ceremonies three athletes, John Patton, Donald Graham and Ron Fawcett, were honored for their participation in Special Olympics Wyoming since it began in 1972.
Laramie High School’s "Emerald City" Prom [PHOTOS]
Laramie High School’s "Emerald City" Prom [PHOTOS]
Laramie High School’s "Emerald City" Prom [PHOTOS]
It was quite the weekend of rites of passage in Laramie. Not only was the University of Wyoming holding spring commencement ceremonies, but it was also prom weekend for Laramie High School. The junior class chose the theme “Emerald City” for the event, held at the Hilton Garden Inn.
UW Photo Exhibition: The Pine Beetle Epidemic
UW Photo Exhibition: The Pine Beetle Epidemic
UW Photo Exhibition: The Pine Beetle Epidemic
Courtesy UW Biodiversity Conservation CenterIf you have driven around the state of Wyoming lately it is hard to miss the great expanses of forest that were once lush and green that have been turned to a sea of brown. The pine bark beetle infestation has has truely changed the countryside for the foreseeable future. The Laramie area is certainly no exception as many of the trees are now being logge
Creating Amazing Photographs in Laramie’s Harsh Conditions
Creating Amazing Photographs in Laramie’s Harsh Conditions
Creating Amazing Photographs in Laramie’s Harsh Conditions
With temperatures rising to 50 and then falling to the low 20's you may quickly become frustrated with your outdoor photographs this time of year. Bright sun can erase detail, texture, color intensity and skin tone however you can take certain measures to insure success...