In an effort to counter-speak 1960's radical Bill Ayers the University of Wyoming College Republicans will bring Conservative Ann Coulter to Laramie to speak. After much debate, Bill Ayers spoke at UW last April. In a balancing act the university has announced that Ann Coulter is set to speak on March 31st.

Ann Coulter uses a pull-no-punches approach when it comes to political commentary. Her stance on political issues is bolstered by the Conservative right and disdain from the Liberal left. She is acclaimed author of Seven New York Times best sellers and is a regular guest on a number of television shows. Coulter was also named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner back in 2001.

Caitlin Wallace is the organizer of the event and said it will be free but it is unclear whether the event will be open to the public. An anonymous donor along with the Young America's Foundation have covered the $20,000 speaking fee.

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