Wyoming High School Falls Sports Will Start On Time
The Wyoming High School Activities Association officially announced Tuesday that the Fall Sports Season will begin Aug. 10 and 17, respectively.
The WHSAA worked with the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) and the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) to establish the WHSAA Smart Start Fall Sports Guidelines.
WHSAA Commissioner Ron Laird said a release, "We are excited for our students. We appreciate the WDH and WDE working with us to be able to approve a plan we all believe can safely return our students to their sport."
Laird added, "We realize this is only step one in making sure this fall is successfully completed. This is going to take a concerted effort by all involved. The focus is on providing the opportunity for the kids."
He also said that with conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic always changing, they have to be flexible and ready to change. Laird feels they have plans in place to deal with different circumstances in each sport.
The WHSAA Board of Directors will guide schools concerning each fall sport. One priority will be to reduce the number of competitors at each event. Adjustments are also being made to the state championships in the fall.
Practice for golf, tennis, and 4A football teams will start on Monday, Aug. 10. The first practices for girls' swimming & diving, cross country, volleyball and the other four classifications of football is set for Monday, Aug. 17.

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