The Best Thing About Wyoming Is…
Every state has something to be proud of. New Jersey has Bruce Springsteen, Vermont has maple syrup. The best thing about Tennessee is it’s music history. The best thing about Ohio is LeBron James. So say the writers at Thrilllist.
“We set out to identify the very best thing in each and every of these United States. We're talking about great people, legendary food, singular sporting events, and some of the most breathtaking sights the planet. Hold your head high, America. Yeah, even you Florida…”
The list is alphabetical and begins with;
Alabama: The Crimson Tide
Alaska: Grizzly bears
Arizona: The Grand Canyon
And first in OUR hearts but last on this list is…
Wyoming: Yellowstone
“No national park offers up quite the range of different geographical oddities and wonders as Yellowstone does. Fart-scented sulfuric pits? Yep. Geysers with the timing of a Swiss watch, towering waterfalls, majestic lakes, mountains, prairies, and canyons? Yep. And yeah, Old Faithful and the old lodge draw tourists quicker than Mickey fighting Goofy at Disney World, but that just means they're distracted from the good stuff. All you need to do is choose a road or path and wander. Around each curve you'll find something else to make you think you're on another planet. And just when you think you're done, you emerge into the Tetons if you keep heeding that whole "go west, young man" thing.”
This is from a list of outsiders. As a Wyomingite, what are they missing?
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