
Steinley Cup Microbrew Competition Gears Up Soon in Saratoga
Steinley Cup Microbrew Competition Gears Up Soon in Saratoga
Steinley Cup Microbrew Competition Gears Up Soon in Saratoga
The official State of Wyoming Microbrew Competition will be held Aug. 20 in Saratoga, Wyoming. Microbreweries from Wyoming are slated to compete for the coveted Steinley Cup at the 16th annual competition. This year’s competition brew is ‘Amber Ale’ and will be judged by a panel of brewing professionals from Colorado...
Laramie Downtown Brewfest Another Huge Success!
Laramie Downtown Brewfest Another Huge Success!
Laramie Downtown Brewfest Another Huge Success!
The Laramie Downtown Brewfest which started in 2006 was a huge success again this year with over 2500 people drinking quality beers from all over the country. I myself was lucky enough to be chosen to be a beer judge, to sample 14 IPA's and APA's from around the country. Con ...
Downtown Laramie Brewfest – At the Depot
Downtown Laramie Brewfest – At the Depot
Downtown Laramie Brewfest – At the Depot
The Downtown Laramie Brewfest is scheduled for July 9th from 1-6 p.m. in the Railroad Heritage Park. Come sample beers from over 30 beer makers and enjoy the summer at the new Railroad Heritage Park. Ba Mati will be jamming all day long and there will be food vendors and beer judging competitions ...
Downtown Laramie Brewfest at the Depot
Downtown Laramie Brewfest at the Depot
Downtown Laramie Brewfest at the Depot
The Downtown Laramie Brewfest at the Depot is scheduled for July 9th. Time is from 1-6 p.m with the musical group Bas Mati playing all day.  Tickets will be $25 and $30 the day of the event. Come down to the Depot and enjoy great beer from all over the Rocky Mountains and beyond ...