Restaurants and Bars in Albany County Now Open
On May 8, Dr. Jean Allais, Albany County Health Officer, announced that restaurants and bars in Albany County may reopen immediately as long as they follow guidelines set forth in a health order variance.
As part of the announcement, Dr. Allais reminded citizens that COVID-19 is still dangerous and stressed the importance of continuing to exercise safe health habits. She stated,
"Reopening Wyoming is a risk, but it’s also a risk if we don’t move forward. We’re on a dangerous road that has never been traveled before in Wyoming and the danger is that we relax and stop taking precautions. All of us collectively control this. I ask you to take calculated risks and make good judgments. Continue social distancing, washing your hands, and wearing face coverings. These practices are especially important out of respect for others.”
To ensure that these establishments operate in the safest manner possible, local restaurants and bars created a detailed list of guidelines and best practices for restaurant and bar owners to follow. The variance was approved by Dr. Allais and reviewed by the State Health Officer and Wyoming Attorney General’s Office.
You can find the whole order here.

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