Pilot Hill 25K June 7
The Pilot Hill 25K Classic is the oldest continuously run footrace in Wyoming. The race has its roots back in the 1970′s when a group of local runners and university cross country team members decided to begin their summer training by racing from Laramie to the top of Pilot Hill and back down.
At that time, trail running was a “fringe sport” — the running boom that was sweeping the nation was confined primarily to the roads. Pilot Hill tries to hold true to its roots–by providing a “down home” race that won’t break the bank while celebrating the sport that all of us love.
The race is set for June 7.
The Pilot Hill Race is run mostly on rugged two-track. It crosses sandy flats, runs over some low grade hills, and climbs up (and descends down) some pretty gnarly weathered limestone. The top of Pilot Hill (at 9600 ft) is one of the highest points in the Sherman Mountains (Laramie Range) that sits east of the town of Laramie. From the top, you will be afforded great views of the Laramie Valley and across to the west to the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow Mountains, and to the south in Colorado: the Rawahs and Front Range.
Following the race, relax at the finish line and enjoy the professionally prepared brunch and beer from the best nano-brewery in Laramie.
7:00 – 7:45 AM Packet Pick-up (and race day registration, if available)
8:00 AM Start of Race
9:45 AM First runner +/- finishes
10:00 AM Breakfast/Brunch is available, beer is available
11:00 AM Awards
12:00 Noon Course closes
6:00 PM Post race party/potluck at home of race director. Details will be emailed to runners prior to race.
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