City of Laramie Joins Forces for Casper Aquifer Protection Plan Updates
For the first time, the City of Laramie and Albany County are working together, via a Steering Committee, to update and combine the Casper Aquifer Protection Plans with deliberation from Fort Collins-based consulting firm, Stantec. That's according to a recent release by the City of Laramie.
The Laramie community has relied on the Casper Aquifer to provide 60% of Laramie’s drinking water and 100% to those County homeowners that fall within the Casper Aquifer recharge area.
The community also notes the importance of the Casper Aquifer Protection Plan and accompanying ordinance to protect the City’s water supply.
The Casper Aquifer Protection Plan provides protection for the City’s principal water source from contamination by current and future land uses. The groundwater is hidden from view and is not fully recognized or valued as a resource worth protecting.
With deliberation from Stantec, the City of Laramie, and Albany County, the Casper Aquifer Protection Plans will be updated and combined to account for the protection of this groundwater from contamination. Although impacts on water quality have been documented locally, widespread groundwater contamination has fortunately not yet occurred.
However, accidents, changes in climate, or errors in management practices may eventually require a treatment plan. Groundwater from the Aquifer will be key to continuing to supply safe drinking water to the Laramie area. The dynamic recharge, large storage capacity, high-yield wells, and supply flexibility prove groundwater to be a keystone to the health of the Laramie community.
The final draft is anticipated to be available by February, and there will be many subsequent meetings scheduled and public comment opportunities. For more information, read HERE.