ASUW Replacing Wyoming Family Statue
A new statue will adorn the center of Prexy's Pasture. Last week the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) voted 23-4 in favor of moving the Nuclear Family Statue and installing a Western-themed statue by Chris Navarro.
ASUW President Megan Degenfelder and Vice President Ty McNamee authored the bill to add to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the student government body. The hope is to unveil the statue during Homecoming 2012 as a way to instill university pride in the student body. Degenfelder and McNamee feel that a Steamboat Statue or other form of Western artwork would be more representative of the UW campus and create a more unifying, encompassing feel. The Nuclear Family Statue, which was installed in 1983, will find a new home south of Knight Hall, which the bill says is, "a more appropriate location."
The cost of the project is $125,000 with $100,000 going to the new piece of art and $25,000 covering the price of relocating the Nuclear Family Statue and adding spotlights, a plaque and a solid base for the new statue. The money is coming from the facilities endowment, which provides money for capital construction projects.
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