Albany County School District Announces Summer Lunch Program
Albany County School District No. 1 is sponsoring the Summer Food Service Program again for youth in the community. It will run eight weeks this summer.
The release from ACSD No. 1 states, free meals are available to children in summer school or other kids who want to participate in the lunch.
The program is open to children ages 5-18 and runs Monday through Friday from June 18 to August 10. Lunch will be served from 12 to 12:45 p.m. at Linford Elementary School, which is located at 120 S. Johnson in Laramie.
There will be no transportation provided by ACSD No. 1, so children and parents are responsible for getting to and from Linford School.
For any questions about the Summer Food Service Program, please contact the ACSD No. 1 Administration Office at 721-4400.
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