Your Question:

Why are construction crews tearing up parts of Grand Avenue that they just finished paving earlier this month? Also I was under the impression that Grand Avenue would be repaved all the way through town but now it looks like potholes are just being filled again. Why aren't they repaving our main street that desperately needs some TLC? Next winter it is guaranteed to be a total mess once again without sufficient repairs.

The City's Answer:

After construction was completed and traffic placed in back to normal operations on Grand Avenue, two soft spot areas emerged beneath the roadway. One was near the intersection of 23rd and Grand and the other on the east end of the project near 30th Street - both in the eastbound, right lane. Simon Contractors repaired those areas.

In 2012 the intersection at Grand Ave and 30th is scheduled for reconstruction, ADA compliance upgrades, and water line replacement. This job cost is projected to be $1.2 million.

In 2014 a full reconstruction is scheduled for Grand Ave between 15th and 21st Streets. The cost of this job is projected to be $4.6 million.

Reconstruction projects are some of the most expensive undertaken and there are needs all around southeast Wyoming which pull from the same funding pool. We plan ahead five to seven years to secure the resources. In the meantime, we patch and do reclamation work as is happening on Grand Ave this year.

*Please note that this response was given to the City of Laramie directly by WYDOT in response to this question.

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