Your Question:

When there is a road closing, is there a chance that you guys can let semi's park at the Albany County Fairgrounds? It isn't their fault that there is no where to park, but they clog up streets all over town. However it seems like there would be plenty of parking space for them if the fairgrounds was used in these situations.

The City's Answer:

Using the Fairgrounds is a decision for the Fair Board and County.  In past Local Emergency Planning Committee meetings, we have discussed using the Fair Grounds and the county has normally agreed to trucks who have livestock that need to be unloaded or fed.  Trucks in general was not as popular.  To park in an orderly manner at the Fair Grounds, staffing would be necessary to remove snow prior to parking trucks and then to keep an orderly parking system in place.  These are  some logistics issues that would need to be addressed before we could point trucks in that direction.  Speaking of that, there would have to be some way to communicate to the trucks where they needed to go to find the Fair Grounds.

Other places that have been discussed for truck parking are the Territorial Park, side streets like McCue, or any large parking area like Walmart.  The issue with doing this is getting permission from the owner, the plowing, having enough personnel to direct trucks and traffic in general to all these locations.  The LEPC will continue to discuss this issue at future meetings.

Please note that this question did take a while to answer and was handled as quickly as possible. The city does take your feedback seriously and wants to provide the best response to Laramie citizens and solve any problems brough to their attention. Thank you for your patience!

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