The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has released information on trapping in its annual trapping brochure, which includes expanded guidance for trappers, They have also launched a new website to educate all those who enjoy the outdoors about trapping. 

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These changes come following a public engagement process on trapping, where trappers, recreationists, pet-owners, and others came together to discuss concerns and find shared solutions to them.

The group recommended that Game and Fish develop more information to increase public awareness of trapping in Wyoming. 

The updated 2021 trapping regulations are a full-color, 16-page booklet that provides regulatory information along with best management practices and guidance for all users on how to share the trails.

The regulations are also available online and at any Game and Fish office.

The new trapping website provides basic information for recreationists on trapping, as well as information on how to release a pet from a trap.

For further information on trapping in Wyoming, please follow the link here. 

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