WATCH: Skid-Steer Flipped Upright, Driver Sent FLYING!
So there you are in a small tractor, a skid steer they call it, just plowing some snow off the road, and OOPS! You tip over.
Not a problem.
There are plenty of other machines out there working away.
OH LOOK! That big backhoe is coming to help. He can just tip you right back up. No problem. What could go wrong?
Word of advice, maybe gets out of the little tractor before the big one rights you. Just a thought.
BUT HOLD ON! There is only one door and it's on the ground. You can't get out.
It's okay. Saying inside the little tractor while it is flipped upright will be fun! RIGHT?
Well... maybe not.
Let's watch the video below and see what happens.
Well, it was a lot of fun watching the big tractor flip the little guy upright again.
It was also a lot of fun watching the driver of the little tractor go flying out into the snow.
I saw glass shattering as he flew out! Did you see it too?
I'm sure he's fine.
Bet it wasn't fun being the guy in the little tractor being thrown out into the snow. Or was it? I don't know and I don't want to find out.
This is one of those videos that you have to watch more than once to appreciate.
You go right ahead and do that. I'll wait down here for another video for you.
Here are more tractors flipping over for your enjoyment.
As dangerous as this is I'd have to think that these guys are still having fun.
Nobody wants to flip intentionally, but they sure do love to laugh about it and brag about it after it's happened.
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