Heads Up Laramie: Road Closure Starting Monday
Ah, it's about that time of year when every road in Laramie is closed for construction for the entire summer. So here's a little heads up for you, before you get surprised on your way to work this Monday.
The City of Laramie is continuing a multi-phase water system rehabilitation project in the 3rd Street corridor. That's according to a notice from the City of Laramie.
Beginning the morning of Monday, April 3rd, 2023, 3rd Street will be CLOSED from Lewis St. to University Ave. to continue the Water Line replacement project. Local detours and business access are as follows.
The project generally involves abandoning the old water main and installing a new one along the western side of the street. The project will include the replacement of the water main within 3rd Street between Lewis Street to Sheridan Street moving from north to south.
Additionally, water main repairs will be made in the 3rd Street and Fetterman Street Intersection. There will be an unavoidable temporary inconvenience to area businesses and the public. Property owners who obtain water service from 3rd Street will receive water from a safe and tested temporary service connection. There may be differences in the volume and pressure of this temporary service. It is the responsibility of the property owners to notify tenants in the project area of the upcoming construction.
The updated project schedule will be a great resource to follow the project’s progress!
As the construction season ramps up the City of Laramie Construction Map is a great way to keep informed of projects.
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