UW President to Serve on National Council on Competitiveness
Incoming University of Wyoming President Ed Seidel will be becoming a member of the Council on Competitiveness, the leading national organization focused on keeping the United States at the forefront of economic competitiveness.
Seidel, who is set to become UW’s 28th president July 1, was invited to join the council based upon his career and recent service as the vice president for economic development and innovation for the University of Illinois System. His membership gives Wyoming its first-ever presence in this national organization.
Seidel will be joining more than 20 university presidents on the council, including those from Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Colorado, and the University of Illinois. Other members of the council include two dozen CEOs, such as those of Royal Dutch Shell and Deloitte; and the leaders of several national laboratories under the Department of Energy.
He will also be a part of the council’s new flagship initiative, the National Commission on Innovation and Competitiveness. This commission aims to expand the role of higher education in leadership and workforce development.
For the full article, please follow the link here.

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