Univ. of Wyoming Offering Grants for Sponsored Nuclear Research
The Nuclear Energy Research Center (NERC) in the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER) is seeking proposals from UW faculty members currently receiving or pursuing sponsored research for nuclear-related projects.
Physical and social science proposals are encouraged for two mini-grant opportunities related to faculty research, with the purpose to provide summer salary to faculty members who have submitted competitive nuclear energy research proposals for direct funding from either a federal agency or private foundation.
Selected UW faculty proposals will receive up to $4,000 for summer salary. The competitive grants are part of NERC’s efforts to begin capacity building among the UW community.
NERC also is offering competitive nuclear energy summer augmentation grants to support graduate or professional-level students whose work or thesis preparation is focused on nuclear energy research.
Grant recipients will be selected based on their relevance to nuclear energy research and NERC’s mission. Once proposals are received, a committee composed of SER staff and administrators will make the award selections.