Tour the Wyoming Legislature with the Laramie Chamber
If the legislative process is a mystery to you, or if you want a chance to peek in on the action at this year's budget session, then you'll want to claim your seat for a legislative tour being sponsored by the Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee. A bus will leave Laramie at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 23rd and return around 4:30 p.m.
The cost is $40 per person and includes the bus trip to Cheyenne plus lunch. There is limited seating, so if you are interested you'll want to make your reservation quickly by calling Josie at (307)745-7339.
A tentative schedule includes viewing Committee activity, visiting with legislators, viewing the House and Senate proceedings and a tour of the Capitol. Meeting and proceeding viewings will be selected on the day of the tour based on the interest of the attendees. Sounds like a great chance to get involved in the important process going on this month in Cheyenne!
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