Wyoming Travel

There Are Now Less Than 100 Working Payphones in Wyoming
There Are Now Less Than 100 Working Payphones in Wyoming
There Are Now Less Than 100 Working Payphones in Wyoming
If you travel across Wyoming, you stand a better chance of seeing a bear than a payphone. According to an online payphone directory, there are now less than 100 of them still in service. Like bears, most of the few payphones left are in or around Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park...
Video Shows Just How Irresponsible Some Truck Drivers Are In Wyoming [WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE]
Video Shows Just How Irresponsible Some Truck Drivers Are In Wyoming [WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE]
Video Shows Just How Irresponsible Some Truck Drivers Are In Wyoming [WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE]
Wednesday, Cheyenne resident Willy Megard was riding to work on Interstate 80, when a tragic accident near the Pine Bluffs exit forced WYDOT to close the highway. During the congestion, while crews were still racing to the scene, several truck drivers began to back up in the emergency lane...

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