
Laramie Cross-County Ski Trails – Our Top 5
Laramie Cross-County Ski Trails – Our Top 5
Laramie Cross-County Ski Trails – Our Top 5
Since there are many fabulous cross-country ski trails surrounding Laramie, choosing a “top five” was difficult, especially considering the different needs of skate skiers and traditional cross-country skiers. Therefore, instead of necessarily choosing a “top five” ski trails, I have highlighted a variety of trails within three main cross-county ski areas: Happy Jack/Tie City Trailhead, Chimney Park Trailhead, and the Green Rock Trailhead in the upper Snowies.
‘Wyoming Triumph’ Screening at Laramie Plains Civic Center
‘Wyoming Triumph’ Screening at Laramie Plains Civic Center
‘Wyoming Triumph’ Screening at Laramie Plains Civic Center
There's no place like home. A group of ski and snowboard friends set out to prove just that by spending two years exploring the Wyoming winter terrain. The film "Wyoming Triumph" follows the adventures of the Jackson-based crew as they ski and snowboard their way across the state.
Snowy Range Ski Area Opens Following Delays
Snowy Range Ski Area Opens Following Delays
Snowy Range Ski Area Opens Following Delays
After delaying their opening things are now up and running. The Snowy Range Ski Area is the closest location to enjoy an afternoon of skiing for Laramie residents and offers a variety of runs for beginners and advanced winter sport enthusiasts.
Snowy Range Opens Terrain Park
Snowy Range Opens Terrain Park
Snowy Range Opens Terrain Park
All you ski bums out there might be interested to hear that Snowy Range's new terrain park is now open. We have some pictures of their new setup and compared to years past it looks great. This weekend's skiing should be unbeatable since Snowy Range received 29" of fresh powder late this past week...