Road Paving-Ask the City
How can I have my road paved or at least level out the dirt road in my neighborhood? All of my neighbors are starting to get fed up with it, as it keeps causing tires to pop. I live in the county on 230 by the Snowy Range Baptist Church.
"If your question is in reference to a private road, you will need to contract out privately for repairs or paving work. If it's a county road, then you will need to contact Albany County. You may want to try the Albany County Road and Bridge Department at 307-742-2534."
Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “How can I get a city parking permit?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”
Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.