New High School Parking-Ask the City
How many students and faculty/staff drivers are expected at the new high school? And how many off street parking spaces are planned at the high school? At first glance, there doesn't seem to be enough off street parking spaces for regular school days, let alone school events?
"Plans submitted and conforming to Municipal Code indicate up to 580 parking spots at the new high school location. According to the plans submitted, the available spots meet the needs anticipated by the Albany County School District. They do have plans for an overflow parking lot, if necessary."
Ask the City Of Laramie is your chance to send the city that burning question that you have always wondered about such as: “Where can I get a city parking permit?” or “Why did my water usage rates go through the roof?”
Please note that the City of Laramie will answer as many questions as possible at their discretion.
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