October is American Pharmacists Month and this year the theme is "Know Your MEDICINE, Know Your PHARMACIST." Linda Martin, an associate dean and associate professor at the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy, filled us in how you can best do those two things to ensure you get the most out of your medications.

  • Keep a complete list of all medications you take - including vitamins, herbs, over-the-counter products, and supplements. Show this to the pharmacists whenever you have a change in medications, even if it is to tell them you are no longer taking something. For help putting together a personal medication record, click here.
  • Keep an extra list of your medications. Hang it on your refrigerator, as well as in your purse or wallet. This is in case you have to go to the hospital and cannot talk. Be sure a family member or friend knows where the list is.
  • Try to use the same pharmacy for all of your prescriptions. Depending on your insurance, this may not be possible, but try to your best to make it happen.
  • Ask to talk to your pharmacist and ask questions. Let them know if you are seeing the benefits of the medications or if you have side effects that won't go away.
  • Try not to rush your pharmacist. Understand that reviewing all of the information about the medications and your personal experience takes some time. Allow the pharmacy team enough time to prepare your prescriptions. This is your health at stake, you don't want to risk it for a little bit of time.
  • Ask them what time of day is the least busy so you can come in when they can spend a little extra time with you.

Show your pharmacist some extra appreciation and respect as they help you be as healthy as can be. Remember, pharmacists can play a key role in reducing health care costs, but only if you take the time to know your medicine and know your pharmacist.

Also, the Laramie Police Department will be doing another Prescription Drug Take Back this Saturday, Oct. 29th.  Anyone can drop off any prescription drugs at Express Pharmacy from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with no questions asked.

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