Hey Laramie, Wanna Go To Scotland?
Want to travel to Scotland? Well, here's your chance... sort of.
The University of Wyoming Center for Global Studies and UW In Scotland will be hosting a SCOTLAND WEEK from the 22nd to the 25th of February.
It will be a week full of all things Scottish!
The Events
Wednesday, February 22nd, 4:10 PM UW Business College Room #23
"Before Outlander: Networking Jacobites in the Eighteenth-Century Scotland & the Diaspora." Professor Leith Davis, Director of the Center for Scottish Studies, Simon Fraser University.
Thursday, February 23rd, Coe Library Room #123
Scotland Filmes - a Festival
Theme 1: Historic Scotland
- 10:30 AM - Culloden
- 12:00 PM - Historic Dress Presentation
- 1:30 PM - 1745: An Untold Story of Slavery
- 2:00 PM - Tunes Of Glory
Theme 2: SCOT/LAND
- 4:00 PM - The Edge of the World
- 7:00 PM - Local Hero
Friday, February 24th, 11 AM - 2 PM, Union Breezeway
Information table: study abroad, internship, faculty & community opportunities in Scotland
Saturday, February 25th, 1 PM - 3 PM, Union
Denver & District Pipes and Drums, with Highland Dancers
Listen, learn, and DANCE! Scottish snacks are available
Genealogy Table & Presentations on Historic Scottish Dress & on Highland Games
7 - 9 PM, Scottish Food & Drink Fundraiser off-campus. Ticketed, and over 21 only.
Contact khazlet1@uwo.edu for details.