Governor Matt Mead will be in Laramie today, participating in a “Meet the Press” luncheon at the Hilton Garden Inn as part of the Wyoming Press Association Winter Convention.

The convention will also bring 200 members of Wyoming’s Newspaper Association to Laramie today and tomorrow.

While Governor Mead will be meeting with members of the Press Association for lunch, University of Wyoming President Tom Buchanan will be speaking during dinner.

Many other members of the University will also be speaking throughout the two-day convention including six members of the UW Communication and Journalism department, UW Institutional Communications Specialists Jim Kearns and Milton Ontiveroz, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources information specialist Steve Miller, Stan Skrabut of UW Extension and UW Vice President for Operations Mark Collins.

Along with Governor Mead, another state employee will be presenting in the convention as well; Wyoming Department of Health information officer Kim Deti.

All presentations, workshops and meetings will occur today and tomorrow at the Hilton Garden Inn.


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