City Manager Salary-Ask the City
The city manager makes more money per year than the governor of the state. With all the budget cuts and work force reductions happening, when will she take a pay cut?
"Within the last 18 months, a compensation study authorized by the City Council was completed by Condrey and Associates following a competitive consultant selection process. It had been approximately 10 years since a previous study was completed. This study compared city staff positions to those in Wyoming communities and also in the region and found Laramie's pay to be below average.Through City Council action, the study was implemented and adjustments to all employee salaries were made on January 1, 2016 to bring all staff salaries up to the labor market average. The City Council is proactive to ensure quality trained staff with appropriate compensation to deliver services to the community in all areas of municipal operations. Retaining quality employees is also a priority of the City Council.
As the fiscal year 2016 to 2018 biennium budget was prepared and subsequently adopted by the City Council, compensation and benefit changes approved in the budget were uniformly applied to all employees in the organization, including the City Manager. Reducing the budget was a team effort from start to finish with input from employees, the management team, and City Council."
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