Any Vacation Plans Before School Starts? – Survey of the Day
It's approaching mid-August, which means school is just around the corner and the end of summer break. Some of you have already taken a vacation or two, while others are trying to get away at the last minute. For some, they may be asking, what break?
We all need a little rest and relaxation at some point and time. A chance to recharge the old battery inside yourself. Quite a few folks in Laramie have to plan some of their time away around school schedules, whether it's with young ones or perhaps university related. The University of Wyoming begins classes in just a few weeks, while the Albany County School District student return to school on September 4. Faculty and staff at UW and teachers in the district have to return even earlier than students.
That's why we want to know if you're trying to get away at the last minute. Whether you have kids or not, or a job related to school or the university or just know that the time for R&R is fleeting, it doesn't matter. We simply ask.....
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