Albany County School District Approved Premium Payments
At the February 9 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, the Board voted to approve premium payments to Albany County School District #1 (ACSD#1) personnel for the 2021-22 school year, as well as a pay increase for substitutes on high-demand days.

The premium payments of $1,178 for full-time employees and $589 for part-time employees will be paid in May of 2022 as incentive compensation to follow through with the efficient execution of the COVID-19 Mitigation Plan for in-person learning.
Substitutes do not qualify for the premium payments, however, the Board of Trustees approved a pay increase ($15 for a full day and $7.50 for a half-day) for out-of-building substitutes who fill in for a certified teacher on Fridays and/or pre-identified Mondays or Tuesdays.
District employees who have been hired after January 1, 2022, should contact their supervisor for additional information.
In consultation with the Wyoming Department of Health and IRS guidance, the premium payments will be distributed through payroll as part of the May 20, 2022 paycheck.
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