Recycling is moving closer to home for Laramie residents. The City of Laramie has begun delivering carts to residences in preparation for the curbside single stream recycling program, which will begin on September 1st. The 96-gallon recycling carts are brown with a blue lid and will all come with an attached brochure, detailing which items can be recycled.

With single stream recycling there is no sorting required. All recyclable materials can be placed in the recycling cart, which will be emptied on your scheduled collection day. Recycling collection in Laramie will be the same day as your garbage collection, every other week.

Acceptable recyclable materials include:

  1. Food Boxes/Boxboard (empty cereal boxes, cracker boxes, etc.)
  2. Newspapers
  3. Brown Paper Bags
  4. Phone Books, Books, Catalogs and Magazines
  5. Junk Mail
  6. Plastic Bottles and Containers #1-#7
  7. Cardboard (must collapse boxes/cut large boxes down to 3″ x 3″)
  8. Aluminum Foil and Trays
  9. Office and School Paper
  10. Cans (including metal caps and lids)

It is important that you do not bag your recyclables. It is also important to note that glass is not recyclable through this program. Glass can be recycled through Ark Recycling Services at 222 Baker Street, or through any of the Ark Collection Bins located throughout Laramie.

Head to for more information on the curbside single stream recycling program, including more information on materials which are not accepted as well as other recycling options in Laramie.

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