
Is there a code or law regarding cleanup of pet droppings/feces within someone's property? For example, say there is someone who refuses to clean up their dog's waste in their own yard, and it's to the point you can smell it halfway down the block, the flies are horrendous, and it's genuinely a health hazard? Does everyone just have to "deal with it" if it's on the person's own property?


The last sentence of Laramie Municipal Code 6.04.120 (definition of nuisance animal) applies. Please call dispatch at 307-721-2526 to contact Animal Control for assistance.

  • 6.04.085- Clean
    • "Clean" means premises which do not have an offensive odor; do not have flies or other insects causing injury or illness to the animal(s); are free of physical hazards such as glass or exposed nails; are free of feces and urine that cause any unsanitary conditions in the enclosure(s) or the surroundings where the animals are kept.
  • 6.04.120- Nuisance Animals
    • "Nuisance Animal" means any domestic animal which trespasses on public or private property; is at large, damages, soils, or defecates on private or public property; causes garbage which has previously been placed in a garbage or refuse container to be strewn or deposited on private or public property; habitually, constantly or frequently disturbs the sleep, rest, tranquility or peace of any neighborhood or person; chases pedestrians, bicyclists, or motor vehicles; attacks other domestic animals; any dog or cat in heat which is not confined; any animal which is tethered in such a way that either it or its tether obstructs any part of a public road, alley, or pedestrian walkway; any animal which creates disturbing odors disturbing to any neighbor or person.

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