I was today years old when I learned this was a thing.

I've traveled a few times this year to places all across the country. Each time I have been stopped by a few people asking basic questions about travel. Questions about printing a boarding pass or what a standby list is or what it means to have your bag checked at the gate.

Woman backpacker holding passport and map with suitcase standing at check in baggage at airport terminal,traveler concept
Weedezign, ThinkStock Images

Honestly, I really enjoy helping people. Plus, I reminded myself that there are people who have never flown on a plane in their lives and they might be nervous about it. Been there, done that.

I also reminded myself that most of us are out of practice when it comes to air travel.

For instance, I was in the security line on my last trip to California and there was a man in front of me "stripping" down for TSA. You know, taking off his shoes and emptying his pockets.

He completely forgot that he had his pocket knife attached to his belt.

After notifying TSA about it, they told him they could either take it, he could leave it with someone not traveling that day, or he could mail it back to himself. I didn't know mailing your stuff back to yourself was an option.

Passengers in the TSA line in an airport
martince2, ThinkStock Images

See? You learn new things every day.

I also learned today that the TSA may actually auction off your confiscated item online.

Now, it's not some sketchy, black market deal from what I can tell. It seems like a way to get rid of all of those pocket knives, scissors, and hair products that are over 3.0 fluid ounces. It also appears that most stuff is sold in bulk with like items.

The website is called GovDeals.com.

From what I can tell, it's not just confiscated TSA paraphernalia. It's a place for government agencies to offload some items. Items that they couldn't get back to their rightful owner. The site totes itself as "A Liquidity Services Marketplace" and have the following description on their site.

GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Auction rules may vary across sellers.

You can search by category like aircraft parts and components, health and beauty, or pool supplies and equipment. It's all organized alphabetically. I was curious about the health and beauty category so I clicked on it and found men's and women's Rogaine, children's walkers and a massage table.

You can also search by location and there is a Wyoming section.

When I wrote this article, there were only two items available in Wyoming. One is a rotisserie and the other is a portable grill. They're both available in Rawlins.

How Many Medals Have Wyoming-Born Athletes Won at the Olympics?

Wyoming isn't represented on Team USA for the 2020 (in 2021) Olympics in Tokyo. But, athletes born in Wyoming have competed for the gold a handful of times over the last century.

According to the folks at BeenVerified.com, seven Wyoming-born Olympians have competed on the world's largest stage.

Since the 1932 LA games, these competitors earned four Olympic medals; one gold, two silver, and a bronze. Wrestling, Track and Field, and Rowing are the evens where Wyoming-natives have shined.

Wyoming Inspired 'Ben & Jerry's' Ice Cream Flavors Just In Time For Summer

Ice cream craftsmen 'Ben & Jerry's' have been pumping out unique flavors for years, but what if they put out flavors inspired by Wyoming?

You probably know all the classic B&J flavors like 'Cherry Garcia', 'Chunky Monkey' and 'Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough', but we feel Vermont's finest should showcase some of the Cowboy State's finest.

Eyebrow Raising 'Dirty' Wyoming Landmarks

Were you that kid who always got in trouble in geography class? Can't help laughing when someone says Lake Titicaca? Then this is for you.

The Cowboy State is endowed with some interesting geologic formations. Now it is time to put on that naughty filter because the inappropriate geography tour of Wyoming is about to begin. Channel that kid in the back of the bus making fart jokes each time the vinyl seat squeaks.

Ok, you are ready. You're still laughing at Lake Titicaca, aren't you?

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