June 10 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Free Suggested $5 Donation
Blossom Yoga
152 N 2nd Street, Laramie, 82072 United States

Additional Information

Do you feel so exhausted you don't care anymore?

Are you overwhelmed and see no relief in sight?

Is constant uncertainty and worry about work leaving you with nothing left

On going state budget cuts have left many in our community feeling
constantly stressed out about their future, and exhausted with having to
do more with less. To help our community, Blossom Yoga is putting on a healing event for
those who have been stressed out, overworked, and emotionally
struggling due to the recent UW and state budget cuts.

This event will include:

Budget Cut Burnout: 3 Simple Steps to Naturally Protect Your Body from
Long Term Stress.
An informative talk by Shawn Palmer, ND. A half hour on the effects of
long term stress and how you can rebuild your body's stress systems to
protect yourself.

Yin Yoga
A 45 minute yoga practice focused on passive poses. Designed to gently stretch and release connective tissue, fascia and stressful emotions that are held within the body.
Guided by Miguel Chen, owner and instructor at Blossom.

Experience a 45 minute session of ear acupuncture for less stress, better sleep, and improved mood. This is something that is widely available in town and good to learn about how it can help you when you are under chronic stress.

Cost: $5 suggested donation but open to everyone regardless of ability to pay