Wyoming Has One of the Least Amount of Hoarders of Any State
There is plenty of junk that people like to hold onto for whatever reason. It could have some weird sentimental value, or maybe you just think somewhere down the line you are going to wear that 12-year old shirt that is two sizes too small for you at some point. The point is, lots of people hoard stuff. But apparently, not many of those people are in Wyoming.
According to Turbo Haul, Wyoming residents are not ones to hang on to a lot of things for no good reason. We do a relatively good job of letting things go so we can throw them away, especially when compared with most states in the country. In a recent state-by-state survey, an average of 25.5 percent of residents in each state considered themselves to be hoarders. In Wyoming, that number drops significantly to only 9.8 percent. Look at us! Getting rid of useless stuff seems to be a key characteristic for Wyomingites.
Washington, D.C. was included with the list of the states in the survey and had only 2.8 percent admit to being hoarders. New Jersey, of all states, tied with Wyoming's percentage of self-admitted hoarders for 2nd overall in the nation. The only other states breaking the less than 15 percent barrier were Mississippi and Minnesota.

In contrast, South Carolina had the most at 50 percent, followed by Ohio with 42 percent, and Alabama with 41.7 percent. Those states may have a problem with letting go of stuff.
The biggest reason for hoarders hanging on to stuff was expectedly sentimental value. But c'mon, does that old box of easy listening tape cassettes really have that much sentimental value? The next highest excuse for holding on to things was the potential need for it in the future. Sure, that Blackberry phone that no longer has service might come in handy when Blackberrys come back in the year 2027 (that is sarcasm, the Blackberry is never making a comeback). It seems that clothing and electronics are the top two items that people hang onto the most as well.
Take it from us in Wyoming, if you are done with it, you're not currently rotating it in your wardrobe, or it is a DVD player that is not currently hooked up and you will never use it again, get rid of it. Stop hoarding all the stuff! The less clutter you have in your life, the better! We're all about dumping useless junk in Wyoming and that is definitely something to be proud of. Everyone else, be more like Wyoming!